Thursday, January 31, 2008

Disfrutandonos en Honduras (Enjoying ourselves in Honduras)

On Wednesday, my host family and I went to a soccer game at a local stadium. The kids and I had a great time taking photos of each other in the back of the van en route to the game.

We all had a great time cheering for the away team, which eventually lost a very close match. It was alot of fun to hoot and holler--though I hoped I was saying it correctly in spanish.

Sorry I'll probably be dropping in alot of photos of the surrounding area just because it's so beautiful.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Mission and Surrounding Area

The view from the church/clinic is breathtaking. It is situated on the top of a mountain and surrounded by mountains with a deep gorge on one side, carved out by a river. In the distance on the other side is the ocean.

La Clinica Salud Total

Dr Bailey and Dr. Sully. Before this trip, I didn't know Dr. Bailey too much. We attend the same church, but our paths rarely crossed. This trip has changed that. We began the trip with a 5 hour drive to NYC. During this trip we got a chance to talk about alot of things.

The biggest thing I came away from this time with about Dr. Bailey is that he is passionate about the Lord and passionate about being a doctor. He really loves it (even behind closed doors). He loves being able to help people. To me, this is very respectable. Also, some of the topics we discussed have given me alot to think about. For example, he told me that if you make an appointment, a decision, to meet with the Lord in prayer/bible study every morning, He will meet you there. He says he's done this for several years during the hardest times in his life. And God has never failed him.

This is the very steep, winding road leading to the clinic/church which sits at the top of the hill. It was built in a simple, yet great way. Before this road was built about a year ago, it was just a dirt road. When it would rain, because the way was so steep, it would become impassable. If you know anything about this area, it rains alot. So, three brothers from the church got together and with simple tools and alot of sweat and work, they constructed this road which is about 1/2 mile and winds steeply up to the clinic/church area. It is really an amazing thing to think about when walking up it. The walk itself is difficult, i can't imagine the work to build it. Also constructed at that time were acqueducts to run along side the road and for proper drainage from the clinic/church.

The Pharmacy. There's a few more shelves than this, but not many. It is always in need of help. Currently, members of the church volunteer their time to count pills and pass out the medicines as prescribed by the doctor.

One of the volunteer pill counters from the states.

Recently, a Honduran dentist was added to the clinic. As you can imagine, this has been a great addition for the people here.

One of the young ladies waiting to be seen at the Salud Total Clinic.

Believe it or not, this is baby#2 for this girl. But fortunately, she's not as young as she looks....23 years old. (I didn't believe her at first!)

Dr. Sully, the Honduran Doctor who works full time at the Clinic and I.

La Ceiba Here We Come!

We've finally landed! But the trip is far from over. After a four hour drive to NYC, then a short overnight at the Pierson's house. We flew out from Newark at 0500. Talk about red-eye. Then we landed in San Pedro Sulo Airport at Noon. The drive in the church's van took another 5+ hours and we finally got to our destination of La Ceiba at 5:30pm, tired but happy.

Funny, but our first stop was for lunch at a newly constructed mall just outside of San Pedro Sula. This was very beautiful and the view of the mountains through the windows caught my eye.

The Piersons: Tony, Desiree and Samantha. There are two other Piersons who stayed home to work and go to school.

The family I am staying with has 5 members, a mom, dad and three kids. Here are the mom, Erika, and two youngest children Christian, age 6 and Andrea, age 3. Both are adorable and very precocious. They keep me very entertained whenever I am home. Erika is 28 years old and we've had many great conversations (all in spanish of course!)

Here's a little of the food we ate when we first arrived. It's called Pupusa.

Pupusa involves heating a tortilla filled with cheese and/or meat and placing the carmelized onions seen above, on top. It's simple, but good and a typical Honduran dish.

The first dinner with the family. They were so hospitable and dinner was very yummy! There was also an extra visitor, which seems to be very common. This older gentlemen came over to study the bible with Daniel, the host family's dad.