Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mission: Monte Plata (Part 2-Our Clinic Group)

Once again, these photos are in no particular order (sorry). Let me explain a little about what we did with this MMI (Medical Missions International) trip. There were 35 of us Americans from various medical and some non-medical fields. They divided us up into 2 groups. One group did surgeries. They went each day to the local hospital and used 2 of their Operating Rooms to perform minor and major surgeries. The other group, which I was a part of, was the clinic group. I'll explain what we did more in the next post. For this post, I just want to show who was involved.

Above from Left to Right: Dr. Val Creswall, MD Infectious Disease Physician
Jenny Eckerd, Nurse Practitioner. I really loved working with these guys.
Dr. Sue Giovanni and fourth year Med Student Luke Schnell. They all worked very well together. Some of the Dominican Members of the Team: William, the gatekeeper who signed the people in and helped with crowd control and, Delores the team's optometrist.

Even my friend Daniela showed up to help out a few days. She helped William with registration at first then moved over to help translate for the docs.

This here is a GREAT guy, Steve Trembley. He is a hard-working farmer who was in the peace corp many moons ago. While in the Peace Corp, he was stationed in La Vega, Dominican Republic. It was there that he learned Spanish. Steve was not only great to work with but he had a wonderful sense of humor!

The four young 'uns. From Left to Right, Heather Hall age 16 (the baby of our family), Ashley Waswick age 18--Both Ashley and Heather worked as our runners and help alls. Next in Blue is Liz Barton and then me. Liz and I mainly did translation. Liz was another GREAT person to work with and I really enjoyed getting to know her. While we were on our trip, she found out that she got accepted to Med School. YAYAYAYAY!

This is us at our first debriefing, trying to figure out how this clinic idea is going to work.

Same time, getting debriefed and asking questions.

This is Brian. He was one of the groups "pastors" and also helped us keep the flow of the clinic going, helped with crowd control and etc. He had a real knack especially with the kids.

Dr Creswell and Luke "hamming it up" at lunch time. No joke, for 2 weeks straight we had our choice of ham and cheeze or peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches every single day. yummm.

The Pharmacist Ella who had the busiest post. She gave out an average of 4-500 meds daily. Her helper Julie is behind her. Julie is a great lady who runs a christian adoption agency in Kansas.

Shelly helped with the intake of patients. She learned how to do blood pressures and weigh the patients.

Ashley again. While on the trip, Ash turned the big 1-9.

William again and a guy who helped us with translation one day.

The very expressive and vibrant Liz Barton closes out this post. Miss you all very much!! Please come to NY to see me some day soon.

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