Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Love & Mercy from an Unfailing God

First came thoughts of how much our heavenly Father wanted to bless mankind when He first created us because in Lancaster, Pennsylvania we watched a very moving play called, "In the Beginning". Though not perfect, this play did an excellent job of showing how man's sin put a painfully obvious separation between man and God.

It started me contemplating more about God's love and mercy for us. I couldn't help but weep when I saw the pain that Adam and Eve's sin brought about--and then also how that very pain has been felt in my own life and in the lives of those I love. This was pain that God never intended for mankind to have. The joy of the Garden of Eden, most intensely felt in having a close and vibrant relationship with the Lord, must have made the gulf (created by sin) between God and man that much more painful. But the Lord's promise has remained true that those who seek Him will find Him. Although it is much harder, more like groping in darkness and more complicated than it was ever intended to be, the joy of finding the Lord remains the height of all joys we humans can experience.

These thoughts led me to think about all the substitutes we find to fill the emptiness we feel due to our separation from God. I can't help but wonder if all our "busy-ness" and running around isn't some vain, subconscious attempt to keep ourselves from feeling the loneliness that is inevitable should we sit still long enough to sense our lack of closeness with God. Or maybe it's a purposeful attempt by our adversary to keep us from seeking the only One who will truly satisfy us.
And then I think of the relationships we seek with others, most clearly seen in longing for someone of the opposite sex...for someone who will see us for who we are and love us anyways. For someone who will make us complete and somehow better. Is this longing only able to be filled by the Lord? Who will truly love us unconditionally? Who knows our faults and all our shortcomings, yet keeps working with us? Who died for us in a valiant effort to bridge the very gulf that we created? And then further, if we search for fulfillment in other things, overlooking the very source of our happiness, can we ever really be happy?

While all these thoughts tossed about in my head like kid's clothes in a dryer, camp meeting week tip-toed up. Besides the usual blessing found in meeting with the Lord in such a beautiful, natural setting, came the witnessing of a complete miracle, a work that only God could do. And now I can't help but reflect back on Jesus and how amazing is His work.

I still haven't digested all of what happened with Cori Rocine and the entire Rocine family. But seeing how God was working even, and especially, when things looked desperately hopeless, has caused me to be that much more in awe of the Lord. And it also gives me faith for the situations in my life that cause me pain and that I cannot understand. It seems that truly, I don't need to understand them all. I just have to have faith in God. He is alive and He cares. And though I don't see or know why things are the way they are, He does. And I know that He is truly busy working all things out for my good because I love Him and am called according to His purpose.

So much to think about...so much to be thankful for.

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