Sunday, February 11, 2007

I love New York (City)

Amy with a chinese fish salesman. We were starving when we trekked through chinatown en route to Little Italy. But after the sights and smells there, our stomachs were a bit queasy.

Emily, checking out a roadside stand with World Trade Center memorabilia.

Believe it or not, on a warm, sunny afternoon we actually were among a very few number of people on Ellis Island, visiting the Statue of Liberty. Both Bush and John Kerry were in NY campaigning, so we were delighted to explore the Island almost alone. This was truly a rare treat!

God bless America, My Home, Sweet Home!

From the memorial site of the World Trade Center. In the foreground are many, many flowers laid around it by mourners and those who care.

The graveyard behind the church that stood nearest to where the towers fell. It was a quiet, pensive place.

Not the best quality photo, but here are Kristin (friend from Florida), Amy Hock, the Brass Bull near the NY stock exchange, me, and Emily (kristin's sister). We had a riot trapsing about NY.

Here is a quaint Manhattan apartment. I say quaint, but the rent is probably in the tens of thousands!

A serene sitting area, in the midst of honking horns and the hub-bub of NYC's ever-moving city life.

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