Saturday, March 3, 2007

Living Conditions

I walk by this encouraging sign each day. It´s words, common to us in English (the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want) but it´s words in Spanish are similar to other words that give my heart courage, because of their literal meaning...the Lord is my pastor (literally, guide, one who looks out for and cares for me), I shall not ¨faltara¨, which to faltara means literally to be lacking, to be missing or left behind, short of something. A tender reminder in such a strange place for me.

Here is one of the doggies on the streets. He´s taking a siesta after eating scraps. He´s not as flea bitten and worn as alot of the other ones, but sad nonetheless, I think. The state of dogs here kind of reminds me of people. some little pooches, similar to celebreties´dogs, and those many americans own, live pampered lives, and are toted about in their masters proud arms. Meanwhile on the very streets in which they are carried, there are hungry dogs suffering for the only reason that they didn´t have the fortune to be born the right breed.

Ok, I had to include a picture of this. At the house I´m staying, we often don´t have running water. When it´s running, it drips from every faucet. It´s important to try to catch each drop for later. Because, it is almost guaranteed that when you want to take a shower... the water isn´t going to be running. I have taken more showers with a bucket and margarine container than I care to admit. It´s quite the experience, really. Kind of like camping only more challenging, to be honest. If it were appropriate, I´d include a picture, because I´m sure it´s quite amusing.

Lastly, I include this plant that I also pass each day en route to school. It also reflects some of my thoughts. Look closely and you can see that there are big thorns lining each branch. But also beautiful tender flowers. I´ll let you draw your own conclusions, and only say that it does make me think quite a bit each time I see it.

1 comment:

Escape From Peoria said...

Your blog is awesome! I'm really glad you went ahead and tried it. The pictures are beautiful! Your blog is one of my first morning hits when I get up, as I try valiantly to avoid doing work.